What Causes TMJ or TMD by Theroux Orthodontics…

Have you ever noticed a clicking or popping sound in your jaw when chewing or speaking? The orthodontists at Theroux Orthodontics want you to know this happens to everyone from time to time. However, if it happens frequently and is combined with other symptoms such as jaw pain, locking of your jaws, reduced ability to open and close the mouth, ear pain, or difficulty chewing, you may have a condition known as TMD or TMJ disorder. Watch the video below to find out more about TMJ dysfunction.

Orthodontics is a special field of dentistry that concerns itself with the study and treatment of irregular bites. An abnormal bite can be the result of uneven teeth, a jaw that is out of proportion or misaligned, or both. Depending on the situation, crooked teeth can be brought into alignment with orthodontic treatment. If you notice your jaw popping a bit too often and you think the alignment of your teeth or jaw is to blame, contact Theroux Orthodontics before you have the painful problem of full-blown TMD causing a lifetime of discomfort and unnecessary dental treatment and expense.

One thought on “What Causes TMJ or TMD by Theroux Orthodontics…

  1. People often will say that they have no pain in their TM joint, yet they will have sinus pain, constant headaches, facial muscular pain, or many other symptoms that are all common with TMD. Others will have popping or clicking in the joint, assume it’s normal, and not think anything of it. However, if you have popping or clicking in the joint, you have TMD. The first step for relieving your jaw pain is to determine the root cause, and the cure lies in finding out if the TMJ symptoms stem from muscular or skeletal damage. The road to relief starts with your dentist.

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