3 Effective Ways to Relieve Invisalign Pain
3 Effective Ways to Relieve Invisalign Pain Invisalign is on a constant rise as a preferred choice of orthodontic treatment by teenagers and adults. This cost-effective treatment gives you a healthy and beautiful appearance in a shorter time than traditional braces! Invisalign comes with numerous benefits, however, there are a few things you should take care of in
Daily Habits to Improve Your Oral Health
Your oral health is always extremely important, whether you’re in braces or not! If you’re looking for some simple ways to boost your oral health, you’re in luck. Keep reading for some daily habits that you can incorporate into your routine from Orthodontists Dr. Kevin Theroux, Dr. Brooks Barefoot and Dr. Elizabeth Donahue at Total Orthodontics
How to Take Care of Your Retainer
Wrapping up your orthodontic treatment is an exciting time! Your hard work is rewarded with a beautiful smile. However, the work doesn’t end here. It is crucial that you continue to take great care of your teeth in order to maintain your new smile. This includes wearing your retainer, which allows your smile to last a lifetime. Keep
Can Pacifiers and Thumb Sucking Affect My Child’s Teeth?
Many people wonder how pacifiers and thumb sucking can affect their child’s teeth. In short, it is a valid worry because if these actions are prolonged it can cause oral health issues. Thumb sucking or pacifier use is one of an infant’s natural reflexes, prolonged sucking can exert force on the teeth and jaws. To learn more about
Why Do Straight Teeth Matter?
Straight teeth help to create a beautiful smile. However, straight teeth actually do so much more than provide a great smile. Teeth are made to fit together in a certain way. If they don’t fit together properly, they can’t function properly, which can lead to a variety of oral health problems. Keep reading to learn more about the
Should I Floss or Brush First?
Most likely you’ve heard that you should be brushing and flossing your teeth daily. However, should brushing come before flossing or vice versa? According to recent studies, researchers have found that flossing before brushing may be the most effective way to remove dental plaque. This sequence also makes your tooth enamel stronger by increasing the fluoride concentration delivered