Total Orthodontics is a Certified Invisalign® Teen Provider in Greenwood Village & Lone Tree, CO
Bummed out about having braces? Invisalign® Teen gives you a whole new way to wear braces for a “clearly” amazing smile! About 25% of our teen patients are treated with Invisalign®.
I have enough to worry about . . .
. . .now I need braces too?
The team has a game this Friday night; homecoming is in a month and what about my yearbook pictures?!
Don’t stress; with Invisalign® Teen you can straighten your teeth without the use of braces! Invisalign® Teen aligners are a perfect fit for your lifestyle because aligners are:
- Clear
- Removable
- Super comfortable
- Customized just for you
Pizza, Popcorn … no Problem! You’ve probably heard from friends that with braces, you won’t be able to eat anything. With Invisalign® Teen, you can eat whatever you want!
Unlike traditional metal braces, your Invisalign® Teen aligners are removable, which means you can go ahead and eat all the things you love without worrying about breaking a bracket or losing a rubber band.
Though wearing aligners requires a significant commitment from the patient, we find most teens do great wearing them. At your complimentary exam, we will let you know if you are a candidate for aligner treatment.
Invisalign® aligners are really comfortable and very durable. They fit in with any of your extracurricular activities. So whether you’re swimming the 50-meter race, out on the field throwing the football, or playing the clarinet with the school’s band, you don’t have to worry about your braces getting in the way!